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Stock Tool

Hillfoot’s innovative stock tool is unique to the industry, and provides visibility and transparency of our engineering bar stock available for general sale.*

Customers depend on our steel distribution services and our interactive stock tool is a great example of our commitment to investing in innovative solutions for the benefit of our customers.

*Not all stock may be shown so please enquire if you have a specific requirement as we can usually source to short lead times.

View Benefits

Check Stock Availability

Download our interactive stock tool to see availability of the product you require

Download Stock Tool


Fast, reliable, up to date information stock availability, even outside of working hours.


Accessed through our website, our stock tool is always on hand to provide you with the information you need, when you need it.


Search specifically by grade and size range, available stock, incoming material and even bar lengths.


A new and updated stock list will be available for download every week.

Can we help?

We can source through our many global partners, search potential availability within our large inventory of 'non-general sale' material, or help you design something completely bespoke to your application.

Just fill out the form and we'll get right back to you.

Alternatively, you can always just call us!