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The table below details similar grades to the most commonly used engineering steels.
The column on the left shows some of the steel grades stocked by Hillfoot, while the middle columns show grades with similar chemistry, and the two columns on the right display grades for potential substitution.
All grades in blue are stocked by Hillfoot and clicking on the link will take you to a detail page, where you will be able to download a data sheet.
Should you need any technical advice about grade selection or have queries about the price and availability of the steel required for your manufacturing process, please contact the Hillfoot team.
Grades of similar (not identical) chemistry. Please note the similar grades are based on chemistry only, and may not meet the necessary mechanical properties (in the standard ‘as stocked’ state).
Grades capable of achieving similar mechanical properties (material may need further treatment to achieve the desired properties). The potential substitution grades are based on mechanical properties, not necessarily the chemical analysis.